Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Park Day: Culver West Park

We had a nice time at this park, which is one of Culver's many lovely neighborhood parks hidden on random side streets. Very nice people here, we met a stay-at-home dad and his baby Marcus, and ran into a mom and baby who are currently at our old day care, the Tomlinsons! This park is very close to dear husband's workplace, so we'll be back someday for a picnic-lunch meetup.

Loved these box stairs that allowed my little guy to clamber up to a high play area. He's confounded by ladders at this point, but he can do steps!

Hello world!
"Sand! Sand!" He would flip out if he knew this wall is actually for "Climbing! Climbing!"

Awesome. The toddler area at this park had these wheels designed for playing with three-letter consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words. Jackson liked making the wheels spin!

He sat down at the table in the toddler clubhouse and started demanding food. 

"TUNNEL! TUNNNNNNELLLL!" (Jackson loves tunnels right now.)

Pigeon at the wheel! Vroomy vroom vroom vroom!

Is that his personal cheering squad? Are they his hoochies? Are they performing "All the Single Ladies"? I have so many questions about what's happening here. (OK, it's just a mural of a basketball game, but this shot makes me laugh so hard.)


Heather said...

Wtf is that mural??

Jenny said...

Looks like fun!

My knowledge of LA geography is really awful, considering San Diegans tend to view the entire area as a waste land. (ha ha.)

But... is there ever a change you could go to that restaurant, Patras, which was in Jaime Oliver's Food Revolution? That might be fun with kids.

jengod said...

I just looked it up and Patra's is waaay far away from us, but we'll totally make a stop there if we ever go to a Dodger game!