Sunday, October 07, 2012

Before Columbus Day Festival

Whee, Indigenous Peoples' Day! This trip to the 16th Annual Gabrielino/Tongva Before Columbus Day Festival at Serra Springs/Kuruvungna was a good advance scouting trip for what ought to be an annual event. Anything with music, waterplay, crawdads, tamales and local history is A-OK by me!

"Whatcha doin' Jackson?" "Nothin'. Just hangin' out with my cool dad, holding a shoe and bein' bald."

For some reason I felt compelled to prove there are crayfish in the spring ponds. See: Crayfish!

This is the inside of the museum located at the site. It used to be a "classroom" in the "horticulture area" of my esteemed alma mater, University High (which is on the same lot as the springs).

Wide shot of the springs. There's a lot of water there, I swear, it's just hard to see from this angle.

Kid in ki, the traditional dwelling of the Tongva people.

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